Monday, March 7, 2011

College Quotes: Round 1

I've learned a lot in my (too many) years in college. Really. I've had a lot of awesome teachers and in addition to hearing important business and accounting lessons from them, I've heard many of them say funny shit that makes me lol. I always take note of funny things and write them in my notes. So here's the first 10 quotes in what might become an ongoing series. Keep in my that I'm not giving context.

By Marketing Professor:

1) "Jim's a nice guy; I had thought he was a terrorist.
2) "... And by belittling you, I hope to motivate you."
3) "Well, I say I love pornography!"
4) "I got all this stuff that says it cures herpes."
5) "I want dreadlocks! You might not recognize me in heaven."
6) "... and then the guy says, 'This is where they used to shoot the porno videos.'"
7) "You don't think to say, "HEY! Did someone die of AIDS here?!"

By Accounting Professor:

8) "Blonds have more fun... It's true- they're easier to find in the dark."
9) "Oh.. And this one's really bad- What do you call a blond that you find dead in a closet? That's last years hide-and-go-seek winner."

By Management Professor:

10) "How many of  you are here because you want to earn that white-collar piece of paper that says 'Weber State Diploma' on it, opposed to those of you who want to actually learn shit that might help you out?"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Never Satisfied

People are never satisfied. It's true. They always seem to want the opposite of what they have. People are also pretty damn stupid and don't even realize this most of the time. I have an example to illustrate.

You're at Denny's, and what is on the menu?
Exhibit A.

But then you're at the grocery store, and what do grab and put in your cart?

Exhibit B.

Yup... I don't feel like writing more, but pretty much I think it's silly that restaurants serve "home style" food and grocery stores sell "restaurant style" items...

At the local Food King.

A night on the town.